Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Can She Laugh Again?

Does he know that she lays there with her back to him and tears stream down her face? Does he realize that she just wants him to roll over and hold her, touch her, tell her that he needs her? Do you think he knows how sad she is? Does she hide it well? Does he know that she cries daily and does he wonder what she cries about? I'll tell you....

She cries because she is so worried about becoming like her father that she has become like her father. She concentrated so long on not giving in to the demons that wrecked her childhood that she didn't even see the other demons sneaking up on her. You know the one that her father never showed... the one that ate him up from the inside. She doens't know how to handle that. She never thougth she would have to. She never learned to face that demon.

If she faces it will he be with her through it? Will he love her through the battle? Is he still in love with her? Or does he just love her because of their life that they have shared? Is she imagining this? Is she making this out to be to much? Does she even know how to help herself with out destroying herself in the process?

Is this feeling because of the demons she now holds inside of her, or are they real? Or does it even matter?

She wants to stop crying.... she wants to laugh again... she just never thought she would have to learn how to do that...

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