Friday, May 9, 2008

Young Republican???

Okay - So I have to share this ... I'm not really sure how I feel about this... I know it is just Logan repeating what he has been told to say... but on some small level it sort of bothers me....
First, a little background.... I am a registered Democrat.... actually if we are being honest - I should be an independent... Politics is not something that I am interested in... and really I am going to vote for who ever I beleive to be the best at the time regardless of politics. Heck I even voted for Bush (Regretting that one now, but felt he was a better choice then Kerry at the time).

Now, Michael's WHOLE family are Republicans... Some much more conservative then others!!! I mean these people LIVE to talk politics... much less now that Michael's dad has passed away, but still the subject comes up pretty regularly... I just excuse myself and walk away.....
SO.... yesterday I pick Logan up from my MIL's house... and the conversation goes like this.

Logan - "Hey mom... I'm voting for John"

Me - Looking confused and thinking this had something to do with school, says "Oh really, why is that?"

Logan - "Because I am a Republican!"

I kind of chuckled and laughed.... but then though... great - what is my MIL planting in his head... he can barely say republican let alone know what it is.... I guess I am going to have to teach him "This Momma is for Obama".... UGH!!!

I love my MIL to death... she is great - but man she drives me crazy sometimes.....

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