Thursday, August 28, 2008

And He Is Off....

I just can't believe it... I just can't get it through my thick head!! My baby, my angel, my only child is in Kindergarten!! How did this happen? How did he grow up so quickly and righ before my eyes?? Have I really been blind to it for the last 5 years? I just can't understand this....

After weeks and weeks of him telling us he is NOT going to be in kindergarten and he wants to go back to pre-school, he proudly told me that he was a big boy and he could walk into school all by himself today and didn't need anyone to go with him!!!

WWWWAAAHHHH!!! I started crying right then and there... I didn't even get to pull away from the curb (yes that was another thing - he wanted to be dropped off in the car line - and not walked to the front door) before the tears started flowing!!! And not just a little teary eyed... I was completely blurred. I just can't believe that he is there.. he is so independent and wants to do it all on his own!!!

I am so proud of him!!

I love you Logan!!! Mommy loves you!!!!

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